What is the SCAT Test?
What is SCAT Test? The SCAT – School and College Ability test is a standardized test that assesses the verbal and mathematical skills in gifted children. It is an above-the- grade level multiple choice test that is administered by the Centre for Talented Youth (CTY) at the John Hopkins University. There are 3 types of SCAT, administered as per the grade of the child which is as follows:
SCAT – Elementary: This is designed for students from 3 rd to 6 th grade but is administered to children from 2 nd to 3 rd grade.
SCAT – Intermediate: This is designed for students from 6 th to 9 th grade but is administered to children from 4 th to 5 th grade.
SCAT – Advanced: This is designed for students from 9 th to 12 th grade and is administered to children from 6 th grade and above.
SCAT is a comparatively difficult exam because every test type is designed for higher grades in comparison to the grade level of the child taking the test. So to be able to qualify for the SCAT, one needs to score atleast a 95th percentile rank in a national standardized test or needs to be specially recommended by the teacher on the basis of exceptional academic grades.
The main purpose for developing the SCAT test is to identify and encourage students with exceptional capabilities. After appearing for the exam, the students will understand how they have performed in comparison to other students who have taken the test as well as compare their results with the scores of the students who belong to the grade level for which a specific SCAT type was designed.
The SCAT terms a particular student as a ‘bright child’ on the basis of his/her performance in two distinct parameters or categories of the test: Verbal Section and Quantitative Section. Each of the two sections is to be completed in 22 minutes with an optional break of 10 minutes.