State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) Test ?
What is STAAR Test? The State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) is a testing program for children studying in Texas Public schools. It is a standardized test given in Texas to students in primary and secondary grades. It was implemented in the spring of 2012 to replace the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills test. Private and charter schools and homeschooling students do not need to appear for STAAR as it is state mandated. Each STAAR test measures what children are learning in a particular grade.
For younger students (grades 3-8) the test is like a marker to track their progress over the course of the year. The content for the test for middle and elementary grades is focused on what is taught during the current year and not on the knowledge and skills learnt over multiple years.
To advance to the next grade, for students in grades 5 th and 8 th , it is important that they pass reading and math tests or get a unanimous decision in their favor from the Grade Placement Committee. Students get three attempts to pass Math and Reading.
High School students need to pass English I and II, Biology, Algebra I and History, to graduate. STAAR’s EOC (end-of- course) tests evaluate high school students’ proficiency of the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for a particular course to decide each student’s college and career fitness.